When looking for accommodation in Kinshasa, there is no better choice than Residence Hotel MBAMBU, which offers Shower, Private Toilet and Cots.
This Hotel offers Cots, Parking and Restaurant. Among other facilities, guests of this Hotel can enjoy a parking lot. What is more, there's also a mini bar.
You can rest in air conditioned rooms.
When hungry, guests of Residence Hotel MBAMBU can enjoy the services of an on-site restaurant, which serves a wide range of meals.
The proximity of Kinshasa to N'Dolo Airport makes it a great choice for those interested.
When rating accommodations in Kinshasa, Residence Hotel MBAMBU was praised for Facilities, Location and Services. This Hotel received scores by 4642 guests. This accommodation received the total score of 7.5, proving that it offers excellent quality-to-price value.
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