Located in Kampala, Mestil Hotel & Residences features a WiFi, Private Toilet and Cots.
To pamper its guests, this Hotel offers Valet Parking, Mini Bar and Restaurant. Facilities include Concierge, 24-Hour Reception and Security Guard. What is more, there's also a swimming pool.
You can rest in air conditioned rooms.
Guests can enjoy the presence of an on-site restaurant at Mestil Hotel & Residences.
Kampala is offers easy access to the nearby Kampala Airport.
In accommodation ratings in Kampala, Mestil Hotel & Residences was rated for Cleanliness, Dining and Rooms. This Hotel was mentioned by 2086 guests. The total score of 7.5 proves this accommodation offers very good quality-to-price value.
Kampala is known for a wide range of hotels in price ranges from 3-star to 5-star. There are plenty of monuments and interesting places in Kampala. Kampala offers a wide choice of affordable accommodation, including Casa Miltu Hotel. Book last minute hotel now to save money - make sure to benefit from our best promotions!