Situated in Kampala, Blue Pearl Ablue Pearl Appartment B207 has 2 bedrooms set in a elegant setting provides Refrigerator, Shower and Private Toilet.
Guests of this Hotel can enjoy Mini Bar, Parking as well as Restaurant. This Hotel offers a parking lot. Additionally, there is a mini bar.
Each of the air conditioned rooms allows for a satisfying rest after a tiresome day spent exploring the area.
Guests of Blue Pearl Ablue Pearl Appartment B207 has 2 bedrooms set in a elegant setting can enjoy a choice of meals outside the property.
Kampala is located within easy walking distance of Kampala Airport.
In accommodation ratings in Kampala, Blue Pearl Ablue Pearl Appartment B207 has 2 bedrooms set in a elegant setting was praised for Cleanliness, Dining and Rooms. This Hotel was rated by 2250 guests. The total score of 7.0 proves this accommodation offers good quality-to-price value.
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